Fresh Earth.

This morning I woke up and took Spencer out for an adventure in the forest across my road. I wish I could bottle up the smell of the earth after it rains all night. We tore through the trees and found this sand pit that I didn't know existed. I'll probably go back with some rubber boots soon. Most of the place was flooded.
I can't wait to adventure around this summer. There are a lot of neat places I want to go to around here and the Uxbridge area.
Boiled batch number three of maple syrup after work today.
Can't wait to get out and skate tomorrow and Wednesday. It's going to rule hard.
Been thinking about my summer plans a lot lately. Well, the only plan that I have so far. Going to be doing a lot of this....
....out here....
...near Portland, Oregon. (and also snowboarding)
Riding in the summer is probably one of the most motivating things I've done and I can't wait to do it again. I would of gone back to Camp of Champions last summer but I couldn't get the cash together fast enough. I'm still wondering what'll happen when I move to Halifax this fall... I really hope I still go out riding. I know I'll be skating and probably long boarding but there aren't many places to ride and I'll be tight for funds. We'll see how she goes.
Painting my room tomorrow.... oh great.