Tick Tock.

Not Ke$ha. What a weirdo. But of course everyone loves songs about getting drunk when and when they are not drunk. I can't sleep without my majestic yard-sale mountain clock that I purchased for $2.
Today I went out for my first skate with Rebecca. It was glorious despite the cut shin and aching legs, but I didn't expect anything less. I can't wait to go out again tomorrow, and then the next day and then rest of the summer. Rebecca took a nasty spill, it was textbook. So funny but painful. Then we just continued to say "No Pain, No Gain" but that didn't apply in this instance. There was no gain, except her hurt back haha. We'll just tie some pillows around our bodies next time.
I've really been in the creative mood lately. I finally received my acceptance package from NSCAD so I'm pretty happy. I worked really hard for a few months and the feeling is really rewarding. I'm crossing my fingers that I will get a scholarship. I like the east coast, and I like to adventure. I want to adventure on the east coast. Just realized I started every one of these sentences with an "I". Haha...
So I've started working on some different fun things, like drawing up old school tattoos and stuff. I would like to get a tattoo. Not exactly sure what it would be though...or where.
Justin and Sufjan help me sleep.