...second of the night.

A couple of weeks ago Brayden, Sterling and I made a trip to the city.
I had to go to the AGO to do some sketching for my portfolio, which I finally mailed out to NSCAD a few days ago for early acceptance. Fingers crossed.
Me: "Hi, I read on the internet that highschool student's pay less... but I don't have my student card on me"
Lady: "Actually, you get in for free, but just remember to bring your student card next time"
Me: "Ok, thank-you"
God I love being a cheap ass sometimes but glad I'm not in highschool anymore.
Brayden and I walked around for a bit.. well... for about 3 or 4 hours. Spent half that time sitting sketching sculptures and trying to make him draw with me haha. Overall, it was quite a productive time.
Hit up some Sushi on Bloor afterward. Met up with Kris and Brittany. I've got to give Sterling props for showing us this place.. because now I'm down for $10 Bento Boxes and mango ice cream any day.
Under-exposed... oh well. Just getting used to my new (old) Konica 35mm.